Electrical Technology

Electrical Technology is usually the study of Electric Applications, Electronics, and Electro Magnetics. Electrical Technology is an amalgamation of Electronics, Electrical, Communication, Instrumentation and Computer Technology. It is a vast field of technology. It has four branches Electrical Power, Communication, Electronics and Control System technologies. This Technology surrounds Electrical Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Utilization.


Higher Education

TEVTA has spread the network of Technical Colleges all over the Punjab which are offering BS and B-Tech (Hons) programs along with three-year Diploma in various technologies. Moreover, pass out of DAE Electrical Technology can take admission for higher education in various renowned Government and Private Sector universities of Pakistan because this three-year Diploma in Electrical Technology is equal to FSc. The details of such programs can be obtained from the HEC website.


The pass out of electrical technology can get a job in Pakistan and abroad as well. They can opt for a job in Pakistan in the following departments

  1. WAPDA
  2. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  3. Military Engineering services
  1. National Highway Authority
  2. Pakistan Railway
  3. Public Work Department (P.W.D)
  4. Communication and Works Department (C&W)
  5. Buildings and Highways.
  6. District Governments
  7. Local Governments
  8. Manufacturers (Food, Sugar, Textile, Cement, Steel, Fertilizers and Engro etc.
  9. Private Firms
  10. Educational Institutes.

First Year



Sr. NoSubject CodeSubject NameTPC
1GEN-111Islamiat/Pakistan Studies101
3MATH-123Applied Mathematics-I303
4CH-132Applied Chemistry132
5Comp-162Computer Applications132
6ET-143Workshop Practice (Electrical)163
7ET-153Workshop Practice (Mechanical)093
 a.Metal Work031
 c.Machine shop031
8ET-125Principles of Electrical Engineering365
9ET-131Basic Electrical Drawing031

Second Year





Sr. NoSubject CodeSubject NameTPC
1GEN-211Islamiat /Pakistan Studies101
2PHY-222Applied Mechanics132
3MATH-233Applied Mathematics-II202
4MGM-221Business Management and Industrial Economics101
5ET-203D.C Machines & Batteries233
6ET-273Electrical Instruments & Measurements233
7ET-253Utilization of Electrical Energy233
8ET-252Electrical Installation Planning & Estimating132
10ET-261applications of Computer in Electrical Technology031
11ET-283Basic Electronics233
11ET-282Digital Logic Design132

Third Year



Sr. NoSubject CodeSubject NameTPC
1GEN-311Islamiat/Pakistan Studies101
2MGM-321Business Communication101
3MGM-311Industrial Management & Human Relations101
4ET-326A.C. Machines466
5ET-332Power Plant & Energy Conservation202
6ET-345Transmission, Distribution and Protection of Electrical Power System435
8ET-363Repair & Maintenance of electrical Equipment163
9ET-373Industrial Electronics2333
  Grand TOTAL467571

Zulifqar Ali

HOD Electrical

Muhammad Nawaz Bhatti

Senior Instructor

Khalid Mehmood Munawar

Senior Instructor

Falak Sher

Senior Instructor

Nadeem Tahir

Junior Instructor

Muhammad Imran Haider

Junior Instructor

Muhammad Sagheer

Junior Instructor

Mazhar Iqbal

Junior Instructor

Adnan Zahid

Junior Instructor

Mubashar Hameed

Junior Instructor