GCT, situated on the famous College Road and in academically prolific area of Faisalabad was established as Govt. Polytechnic Institute in 1966 keeping in view the future globalization through science & Information Technology. Later it was upgraded as Govt. College of Technology in 1981.
The prime objective of the college was to meet the demand of the field engineers/technologists and technicians for growing industry in the region. Now it is under the administrative control of TEVTA, Govt. of the Punjab. To 5400 students of First, Second and Third Year of both Morning and Evening Shift, it is offering Three Year diploma in DAE Electrical, Mechanical, Food, Civil, Instrumentation, Auto & Farm and Textile Technologies.
To produce employable skilled workforce commensurate with the needs of global market.
To develop competitive workforce through a quality and productive academic environment by imparting technical education with personality development.
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Principal’s Message
Education is one of the best blessings of Allah Almighty. The first Revelation brands the significance of education. After the inundation of Science and Technology, Technical Education has got an eminent importance.
GCT, Faisalabad is a prominent institute that has been serving the country for more than five decades. The formulation of TEVTA added new horizons to Technical Education Imparting Process. The collaboration of TEVTA and JICA swayed a new rule of Technical skills and expertise.